Free Fall

Surrender can be a beautiful thing.

When things finally click and you realize there is just so much out of your control

And no matter how much goes wrong, you’re going to be alright.

I find great comfort in the idea that Christ is


In other words he’s all powerful, all knowing, and perfectly and unlimitedly good.

So, surrendering *to* Jesus, makes complete sense to me in the context of my faith.


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“What If My Life Is a Failure?” Dealing with Anxiety and Fear

“Next episode playing in 15…14…13…”

I turned my head to see my alarm clock across the room. The big red “2:00 am” glared at me through the darkness. I knew staying up late watching Netflix was a terrible habit. I knew I was gonna hate myself in the morning, but the distraction was too enticing at the moment. Besides, it wasn’t like I’d be able to sleep anyways.

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